Wednesday, March 22, 2006

No Good News

Nothing good to tell you all about B. He's still rocking violently, he's still not talking to us. He still wants to just lay in the floor or be on his hands and knees rocking.

He went to school today and the director called me. Apparently B was drooling (spitting) more than usual and according to the school thermometer had a 100 degree temperature. I picked him up and immediately took him to the doctor.

Well the doctor said that there was NO fever, no swelling or redness in the throat, no problems with the ears, no problems period. She felt that B's issues were emotional and not medically based.

The caseworkers were glad to rule that out, and said now they can have documentation that B is regressing due to the upcoming visit. His therapist is very concerned with his behavior and is scheduled to see him on Friday morning.

B is really worrying me. *sigh* He's slobbering like crazy, he's whining, he's rocking constantly, and he's just not himself.


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